

  1. 介紹Introduction
    • • Edenred尊重客戶、消費者、合夥人、合作夥伴、訪客及在我們不定時提供產品和服務過程中與之互動的其他個人的個人資料的隱私和保密性。針對您提供給我們的個人資料,其蒐集、利用及揭露,我們承諾遵守GDPR、2020新加坡個人資料保護法及各地相關法規即2015年《台灣個人資料保護法》(下稱“PDPA”)及其後版本,並符合PDPA相關規範之政策、實踐及程序。 We at Edenred Pte. Ltd., Taiwan Branch (“Edenred”) respect the privacy and confidentiality of the personal data of our clients, customers, associates, partners, visitors and other individuals whom we interact with from time to time or in the course of providing our products and services. We are committed to implementing policies, practices and processes to safeguard the collection, use and disclosure of the personal data you provide us, in compliance with the GDPR, the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act 2020 and the applicable local laws and regulations, i.e., 2015 Taiwan Personal Data Protection Act (“PDPA”).
  2. 我們如何蒐集您的個人資料How Do We Collection your Personal Data
    • 個人資料是指任何:
      (a)可單獨識別個人身份的資訊(例如身份證字號等),或 (b) 與其他資訊結合可間接識別個人的任何資訊(例如全名:全名 + 地址)。我們在下列情況會蒐集您的個人資料:
      Personal data refers to any information that can uniquely identify an individual person either (a) on its own (e.g. NRIC No., FIN No.), or (b) when combined with other information (e.g. Full Name + Full Address). We collect your personal data when you:
    • 當您拜訪我們的網站並留下您的聯絡資訊;Visit our websites and leave behind your contact information;
    • 當您對於我們的相關服務或服務品質提供回饋;Provide us with feedback on our services or quality of service;
    • 當您透過電子郵件或書面信件與我們溝通;Communicate with us via emails or written correspondences;
    • 當您提交履歷和求職申請表,希望成為我們的員工;Submit your CV and job application form to us to be our employee;
    • 提交任何與我們相關的產品或服務的表格;When you submit forms relating to any of our products or services;
    • 當您在我們所有或營運的網站上登記或使用我們的任何服務、或您在我們所有或營運的網站上註冊會員時,或在類似的網站使用服務;When you register for or use any of our services on websites owned or operated by us or when you register as a member of websites owned and/or operated by us, or use services on such websites;
    • 當您與我們的客服人員聯繫;When you interact with our customer service officers;
    • 當您要求我們與您聯絡;When you request that we contact you;
    • 當您使用我們部份的服務,例如我們的訂閱服務;When you use some of our services, e.g. our subscription service;
    • 當您與我們建立任何線上帳戶;When you establish any online accounts with us;
    • 當您要求我們與您聯絡;When you request that we contact you;
    • 當我們對額外的個人資料向您請求,您予以回應;When you are contacted by, and respond to, our marketing representatives and agents; When you respond to our request for additional Personal Data
    • 當您要求被包含在電子郵件或其他郵件名單中時;When you ask to be included in an email or other mailing list;
    • 當您回應我們的促銷活動和其他活動時;When you respond to our promotions and other initiatives;
    • 當我們收到從業務合作夥伴和第三方的轉介,例如當您被他們轉介時; When we receive references from business partners and third parties, for example, where you have been referred by them;
    • 當您基於其他因素提供我們您的個人資料。When you submit your Personal Data to us for any other reason.
  3. 我們為何蒐集您的個人資料Why Do We Collect Your Personal Data
    • 回應您的問題、請求及申訴;Responding to your queries and requests and responding to complaints;
    • 管理Edenred的基礎設備和業務營運,及遵守內部政策和流程管理;Managing the infrastructure and business operations of SPH and complying with internal policies and procedures;
    • 促進營業資產交易 (可擴展至任何合併購、收購或資產出售) ; Facilitating business asset transactions (which may extend to any merger, acquisition or asset sale;
    • 為實現本文所列之目的;Matching any Personal Data held which relates to you for any of the purposes listed herein;
    • 確認您的身份;Verifying your identity;
    • 預防、偵查和調查犯罪,包括欺詐和洗錢,以及分析和管理其他商業風險; Preventing, detecting and investigating crime, including fraud and money-laundering, and analyzing and managing other commercial risks;
    • 保護和執行我們的契约、法律權利和義務;Protecting and enforcing our contractual and legal rights and obligations;
    • 對內部流程、行動計畫和管理商業風險進行稽核、審查和分析;Conducting audits, reviews and analysis of our internal processes, action planning and managing commercial risks;
    • 預防、偵查和調查犯罪,並管理我們營業場所和服務的安全和服務(包括但不限於進行閉路電視監控和進行安全檢查);Preventing, detecting and investigating crime and managing the safety and security of our premises and services (including but not limited to carrying out CCTV surveillance and conducting security clearances
    • 遵守任何可得適用的規則、法律、條例、業務守則或準則,或協助有關當局執法和調查;及/或;Compliance with any applicable rules, laws and regulations, codes of practice or guidelines or to assist in law enforcement and investigations by relevant authorities; and/or
    • 與上述相關的其他目的。Any other purpose relating to any of the above.
  4. 我們蒐集的個人資料類型Types of Personal Data We Collect
    • 我們蒐集與您相關的個人資料類型包括:The types of personal data we collect about you include:
      • 個人聯絡資訊(姓名、地址、手機號碼、電子郵件)Personal contact information (Name, Address, Mobile Phone No., Email Address)
      • 個人詳細資訊(姓名、性別、出生日期、國籍、退款時取得銀行帳號) Personal details (Name, Gender, Date of Birth, Nationality, Bank Account Number for refund)
      • 求職者的教育和專業資格 Job Applicant’s educational and professional qualifications
      • 求職者的專業和工作經驗 Job applicant’s professional and work experience
  5. 我們如何使用您的個人資料How We Use Your Personal Data
    • 我們將您提供的個人資料用於下列一個或多項目的: We use the personal data you provide us for one or more of the following purposes:
      • 調查申訴、請求和爭議Investigate complaints, claims and disputes
      • 管理及改善我們的業務和營運,以提供您更好的服務或增進客戶體驗,包含以下項目: Manage and improve our business and operations to serve you better or enhance client experience, including the following matters:
        • 040 行銷Marketing
        • 063 非公務機關依法定義務所進行個人資料之蒐集處理及利用Non-government agency collect or process personal information under legal obligations
        • 069 契約、類似契約或其他法律關係事務Contract, contract-like or other legal relation matters
        • 091 消費者保護Consumer Protection
        • 091 消費者保護(Consumer Protection)
        • 135 資(通)訊服務Information Communication) Services
        • 148 網路購物及其他電子商務服務Internet shopping and other electronic commerce services
        • 152 廣告或商業行為管理Advertisement or commercial behavior administration
        • 176 其他自然人基於正當性目的所進行個人資料之蒐集處理及利用Other natural persons based on the legitimacy of the purpose of the processing and use of personal information collected
        • 181 其他經營合於營業登記項目或組織章程所定之業務 Other business operation in accordance with the business registration project or organization Prospectus
      • 處理應徵工作、招募和甄選Process job applications, recruitment and selection
      • 滿足法律要求Fulfil legal requirements
  6. 我們向誰揭露您的個人資料Who We Disclose Your Personal Data To
    • 我們將您提供的個人資料揭露給Edenred以外的下列機構或組織,以便為您提供服務:We disclose some of the personal data you provide us to the following entities or organisations outside Edenred in order to fulfil our services to you:
      • Edenred相關的公司和關係企業Our associated and affiliated companies
      • 銀行和金融機構Banks and Financial Institutions
      • 保險公司Insurance Companies
      • 印刷和服務供應商Printing and Service Vendors
      • 因本服務之業務需要訂有契約關係之機構、或業務往來之機構(含共同行銷、合作推廣業務等)
        Organizations under contractual relationships for the purpose of the service, or those have business dealings (including joint marketing, cooperative promotion business, etc.)
      • 顧問(如律師)、業務委外機構(如cookies管理工具廠商)
        consultants (e.g., attorneys), or outsourcing organizations (e.g., firms offering cookies management tools)
    • 如果依法律要求,我們會向有關當局或執法機構揭露您的個人資料。Where required to do so by law, we may disclose personal data about you to the relevant authorities or to law enforcement agencies.
  7. 個人資料處理: 期間、地區、及方式 Personal data processing: duration, location, and method
    • 期間:個人資料蒐集之特定目的存續期間;依相關法令規定或契約約定之保存年限(如:商業會計法);或Edenred因執行業務所必須之保存期間。
      Period: The period of time for which the specific purpose for personal data collection exists; the retention period stipulated by the relevant law or contract (e.g., the Business Accounting Act); or the retention period necessary for Edenred to conduct its business.
    • 地區:台灣、新加坡、日本、美國、歐盟國、Edenred相關的公司和關係企業所在地、其他與Edenred有業務往來之機構營業處所所在地。
      Location: Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, the U.S., member states of the EU, and any other locations of the business premises of our associated and affiliated companies, and any other locations of the business premises of the organization with which Edenred has business dealings.
  8. 我們如何管理您的個人資料之蒐集、利用及揭露How We Manage the Collection, Use and Disclosure of Your Personal Data
    • 取得同意Obtaining Consent
      在我們蒐集、使用或揭露您的個人資料之前,我們會通知您目的及原因。我們會在您的明示同意下得到您的書面確認。我們不會蒐集目的以外的個人資料。若蒐集、使用或揭露您的個人資料的原始目的改變,我們將尋求您另外的同意。在特定情況下,當您出於特定目的自願提供您的個人資料時,將視為您已同意。例如當您向我們的人力資源部門應徵工作或提供履歷時。 Before we collect, use or disclose your personal data, we will notify you of the purpose why we are doing so. We will obtain written confirmation from you on your expressed consent. We will not collect more personal data than is necessary for the stated purpose. We will seek fresh consent from you if the original purpose for the collection, use or disclosure of your personal data has changed. Under certain circumstances, we may assume deemed consent from you when you voluntarily provide your personal data for the stated purpose, e.g. when you submit a job application form or your CV to our HR Department.
    • 撤銷同意Withdrawal of Consent
      您可透過電子郵件或信件的方式發送給我們撤銷同意的請求。If you wish to withdraw consent, you should give us reasonable advance notice. We will advise you of the likely consequences of your withdrawal of consent, e.g. without your personal contact information we may not be able to contact you relating to our new services or follow up with you on our client-related matters. Your request for withdrawal of consent can take the form of an email or letter to us.
    • Cookies的使用Use of Cookies
      我們可能會使用“cookies”來蒐集有關您在我們網站上或線上服務的活動資訊。 Cookie 是儲存在您的電腦中由網站建立的一個小型文字資料夾,為網站提供一種來識別並追蹤您的偏好的方式。Cookie讓您在重新訪問網站或填寫電子表格時不必再次輸入相同的資訊。 我們大多數使用的cookie 是「session cookies」,它會在狀態結束後自動從您的電腦硬碟中刪除。 您可以透過在您的網路瀏覽器中選擇不接受 cookie來關閉此功能。 請注意,這樣做後,您可能無法使用我們網站中的某些特色和功能。 We may use “cookies” to collect information about your online activity on our website or online services. A cookie is a small text file created by the website that is stored in your computer to provide a way for the website to recognise you and keep track of your preferences. The cookie makes it convenient for you such that you do not have to retype the same information again when you revisit the website or when you fill in electronic forms. Most cookies we use are “session cookies”, which will be deleted automatically from the hard disk of your computer at the end of the session. You may choose not to accept cookies by turning off this feature in your web browser. Note that by doing so, you may not be able to use some of the features and functions in our web applications.
  9. 我們如何確保您的個人資料的正確性How We Ensure the Accuracy of Your Personal Data
    • 我們將採取合理措施來確保我們蒐集您的個人資料是正確、完整且是最新的。 我們可能會不定時為您進行資料驗證,以便了解我們持有任何關於您的個人資料的更動。若我們與您持續合作,您個人資料的任何變更請務必向我們告知(例如電子郵寄的變更)。
      We will take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal data we collect about you is accurate, complete and kept up-to-date. From time to time, we may do a data verification exercise for you to update us on any changes to the personal data we hold about you. If we are in an ongoing relationship with you, it is important that you update us of any changes to your personal data (such as a change in your mailing address).
  10. 我們如何保護您的個人資料How We Protect Your Personal Data
    • 我們已實施合理且適當的資訊安全和技術措施(例如資料加密、防火牆和安全網絡協議),以保護我們持有與您有關的個人資料免於丟失、誤用、破壞、未經授權的更改/修正、接觸、揭露、或類似的風險。
      我們也採取了合理且適當的組織方法以維護您的個人資料的機密性和真實性,且只在「需要知道」的範圍內與被授權人員共享您的資料。We have implemented appropriate information security and technical measures (such as data encryption, firewalls and secure network protocols) to protect the personal data we hold about you against loss; misuse; destruction; unauthorised alteration/modification, access, disclosure; or similar risks. We have also put in place reasonable and appropriate organisational measures to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of your personal data and will only share your data with authorised persons on a ‘need to know’ basis.
  11. 我們如何保留您的個人資料 How We Retain Your Personal Data
    • 我們制定了文件保留政策以追蹤您以紙本或電子形式提供給我們的個人資料的保留期限。當不需用於其他業務或法律目的時,我們不會保留您任何的個人資料。
      我們會在達到保留期限時,以適當及安全的方式處理或銷毀含有您的個人資料之相關文件。We have a document retention policy that keeps track of the retention schedules of the personal data you provide us, in paper or electronic forms. We will not retain any of your personal data when it is no longer needed for any business or legal purposes. We will dispose of or destroy such documents containing your personal data in a proper and secure manner when the retention limit is reached.
  12. 您如何造訪及修正您的個人資料How You Can Access and Make Correction to Your Personal Data
    • 您可以聯絡我們,以了解我們所擁有或掌控關於您的哪些個人資料,以及我們在過去一年中如何使用及/或揭露這些數據。在我們執行您的請求之前,我們可能需要檢查您的身份證或其他合法的身份證明文件來驗證您的身份。我們會盡快處理您的請求或在收到請求的30天內處理完畢。若我們無法在30天內回覆您,我們會告知您我們需要多長時間處理。我們可能會酌收合理的費用以便處理您的需求。
      如果您發現我們持有關於您的個人資料不正確、不完整或不是最新的,您可要求我們更正。如果我們認為請求合理且應該被更正,我們會盡快修正資料,或在收到您的要求後30天內做修正。You may contact us to find out what personal data about you that we have in our possession or under our control and how it may have been used and/or disclosed by us in the previous one year. Before we accede to your request, we may need to verify your identity by checking your NRIC or other legal identification document. We will respond to your request as soon as possible, or within 30 days from the date we receive your request. If we are unable to do so within the 30 days, we will let you know and give you an estimate of how much longer we require. We may also charge you a reasonable fee for the cost involved in processing your access request. If you find that the personal data we hold about you is inaccurate, incomplete or not up-to-date, you may ask us to correct the data. Where we are satisfied on reasonable grounds that a correction should be made, we will correct the data as soon as possible, or within 30 days from the date we receive your request.
  13. 聯絡我們 Contacting Us
    • 如果您有任何關於資料保護通知的疑問或回饋,或您對我們如何管理個人資料需要申訴,您可以透過 聯繫Data Protection Officer (DPO) If you have any query or feedback regarding this Data Protection Notice, or any complaint you have relating to how we manage your personal data, you may contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) at
      所有的問題或投訴需至少包括下列資訊: Any query or complaint should include, at least, the following details:
      • 您的全名和連絡方式Your full name and contact information
      • 簡要說明問題或申訴內容Brief description of your query or complaint
    • 我們會認真對待您的問題及回饋,並且在合理的時間內機密處理。 We treat such queries and feedback seriously and will deal with them confidentially and within reasonable time.
  14. 資料保護通知變更Changes to this Data Protection Notice
    • 我們會不定時更新資料保護通知。有任何的變更,我們會以在網站上發布最新資訊的方式通知您。 請定期拜訪我們的網站以查看最新資訊。
      該變更將在發布於網站上時即生效。We may update this Data Protection Notice from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the latest Notice on our website. Please visit our website periodically to view the latest notice or changes. Changes to this Notice take effect as and when they are posted on our website.
  15. 更多PDPA資訊More Information on PDPA
    • 請至台灣國家發展委員會個人資料保護專區網站了解更多關於PDPA的資訊。For more information about PDPA generally, please visit the Personal Data Protection Commission’s website at